Top Fruit and vegetable processings in Indonesia has listed approx 22 Fruit and vegetable processings in Indonesia. Some of the Top rated Fruit and vegetable processings in Indonesia are- SMUPH Hidroponik, HR PAKUWOJO DIENG (KERIPIK KENTANG), PT Global Sawit Semesta, Danau Nujau, Berdikari Bintang Jaya, Perumahan Puri Delta Asri 3, Desa Lau Lebah, MD Market, Organic Farm Kaliandra Ecoresort & Frutivez Fruit Strips.

Place Name
Fruit and vegetable processing
Fruit and vegetable processing
Cikampak Cikampak pekan Depan bank sumut, Aek Batu, Kec. Torgamba, Kab. Labuhanbatu Selatan, Sumatera Utara 21466, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Jl. Dieng No.KM 18, Tieng Krajan, Tieng, Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56354, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
2.61061, 98, Penanggalan, Kota Subulussalam, Aceh 02588, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Gantung, East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands 33562, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Kampung Baru, Desa, Bara Batu, Kec. Labakkang, Kabupaten Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan, Sulawesi Selatan 90653, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Perum, Jl. Puri Delta Asri 3, Cangkiran, Kec. Mijen, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50216, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Lau Lebah, Gunung Sitember, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra 22253, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Plosorejo, Sukoharjo, Wilangan, Nganjuk Regency, East Java 64462, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Area Sawah, Dayurejo, Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java 67157, Indonesia
Fruit and vegetable processing
Jl. Gkpn Perumahan Grand Cipacing No.42, Cipacing, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45360, Indonesia

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