has listed approx 93 Bahá'í house of worships in Indonesia. Some of the Top rated Bahá'í house of worships in Indonesia are- Kampung Salamanjah Desa Cipaku Kecamatan Paseh Majalaya Bandung, Majlis Syekh Armia, Majlis Syekh Armia, Gereja Toraja Jemaat Pantan, Masjid Attaqwa Kampung Curuggaru Desa Kadugemblo Kecamatan Kadu Hejo Pandeglang Banten Indonesia, Masjid Attaqwa Kampung Curuggaru Desa Kadugemblo Kecamatan Kadu Hejo Pandeglang Banten Indonesia, Hki Resort Tiga Dolok, Masjid Nurul Muttaqin & Mesjid Jami Hidayatus Syarief.

Place Name
Bahá'í house of worship
Bahá'í house of worship
Jl. Salamanjah, Cipaku, Kec. Paseh, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40383, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Ketuk, Cikura, Bojong, Tegal, Central Java 52465, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Ketuk, Cikura, Bojong, Tegal, Central Java 52465, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Jl. Pongtiku, Pantan, Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan 91811, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Kadugemblo, Kaduhejo, Pandeglang Regency, Banten 42252, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Kadugemblo, Kaduhejo, Pandeglang Regency, Banten 42252, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Jl. Parapat No.50, Dolok Marlawan, Jorlang Hataran, Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara 21172, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Dusun Mudo, Muara Papalik, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi 36554, Indonesia
Bahá'í house of worship
Cikawung, Terisi, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45262, Indonesia

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