has listed approx 241 Trade schools in Indonesia. Some of the Top rated Trade schools in Indonesia are- SMKN 1 Sekar., STM GKE Mandomai, SMK Negeri 1 Candipuro, SMK Pertiwi, Petani sayuran, SMKN 1 SENDAWAR, SMK BINTANG SEMBILAN, SMK BINTANG SEMBILAN, SMK Negeri 1 Jeunieb & SMK TARAKANI GALELA.

Place Name
Trade school
Trade school
Gayam Tiga, Miyono, Sekar, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java 62167, Indonesia
Trade school
Bar.,, Saka Mangkahai, Kapuas Bar., Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah 73564, Indonesia
Trade school
Rawa Selapan, Candipuro, South Lampung Regency, Lampung 35356, Indonesia
Trade school
Jl. Gajah Mada Raya No.66, Air Rambai, Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu 39119, Indonesia
Trade school
Sidosari Rt.09/02, Dusun II, Gedangan, Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57362, Indonesia
Trade school
Melak Ulu, Melak, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan 75775, Indonesia
Trade school
Uman Agung, Bandar Mataram, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung 34164, Indonesia
Trade school
Uman Agung, Bandar Mataram, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung 34164, Indonesia
Trade school
Jl. SMK Neg. 1 Jeunieb, Blang Mee Bar., Jeunieb, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia
Trade school
Pune, Galela, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, Indonesia

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